Leadership Comparisons

For this assignment, write a 35-page paper that compares the leadership styles of Michael Abrashoff and Marissa Mayer (during her tenure at Yahoo). Describe the leadership styles of each person by applying the concepts you learned when you read Chapter 15. Analyze the functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (as covered in Chapter 1). Make recommendations to Marissa Mayer as to the changes she could make in each area of management that would help her improve her leadership style and the results she could expect to achieve. Discuss the lessons she could learn from other leaders. Explain why leadership is central to the success of all the functions of management whether or not there is a centralized boss. Upload your paper to BlackBoard.

Read the Managers Shoptalk The Bossless Not Leaderless Office by Michael Abrashoff. This can be found at the bottom of page 494 in your textbook or the link:

The bossless-not-leaderless office (Michael Abrashoff)

The Last Days of Marissa Mayer?


The rise and fall of Marissa Mayer, the once-beloved CEO of Yahoo now pursuing her own venture


Then read the blog post and articles and watch the videos contained in Modules 1 and 2.

Current (addition): Lead Your Team into a Post-Pandemic World

Video: How to Run a Company with (almost) no rules

Video: Efficient Leadership in the Digital Era

In addition, conduct research on leadership in the library.


Write a three five-page paper, double spaced, in 12 pt. scale, Times New Roman (750 1,250 words)
Use the Certification of Authorship cover page and 7th Edition APA writing template for all papers submitted.
Use the 7thEdition APA form for all your papers.
Your paper must contain two in-text citations: one new reference and one from the provided articles and videos provided, in 7th edition APA form.
Due by Sunday, 11:59 pm at the end of Module 2 (4 Points)

Course Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate an understanding of 21st-century management and leadership theories.
Develop a global management plan that practices the process of managements four functions: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
Explain how organizations adapt to uncertain and changing environments and identify how to influence the internal environment to meet the changes using management and leadership theory.

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