Read the case study Leading Change: Carlos Ghosn at Renault and Nissan on pages 164-172 of the course textbook.
Consider the outcomes of Renault-Nissan Alliance and the Nissan Rival Plan, and discuss strengths and weaknesses of
Ghosns approach to leading change at Nissan.
Write a four-page (1100-1200 word) paper outlining the main issues and solutions for the case study. Cite ideas from
Spector (2013) and at least two of the required reading articles for Unit VII. Format your paper in APA style, and include
the following seven section headers:
Proposed Solutions
Upward Communication
Barriers to Change
Emotional Bonds
Personal Reflections
In the Personal Reflections section, share what could be done in your Unit VIII Final Project concerning any related topics,
(e.g., upward communication, barriers to change, and emotional bonds that help or hinder during change) as they are
present in your chosen institution.