

Unit:  Engage Management in Learning 

Due Date:  3/19/21

Deliverable Length:  3-4 strong paragraphs 

You are as pleased as you can be with the course you are teaching on  quality control methods. Your participants are energized by the ideas  that they have encountered in the course and are brainstorming some  great and practical applications to take back to the department and try  out. 

  • What can you do to help ensure that maximum transfer of learning takes place?  
  • How might you involve the supervisors in the department?  
  • What do you think their role should be in evaluation?  
  • What theories or examples from literature are relevant here? 

add an open-ended question to motivate others to respond at the end 


2-3 REFERENCES Listed below are things to keep in mind !!!!!!

 The citation must use the author and not the title. See p. 266 of the APA manual.   

 The citation for a reference with more than two authors must include the et al. See p. 266 of the APA manual

 The title of the source and volume number must be in italics. First names are not used in references, initials are used. The title of the article must be in sentence case. See p. 317 of the APA manual.