Lecture Question Set #4

Worth 10 points.

  • Answer the following short answer questions in short paragraphs comprised of complete sentences. 
  • Format: Create a Word Document, with your name, course number, and date.
    • The answers should be in your own words, double spaced and in times new roman font 12.
    • If you use outside sources to complete your answers, then site the source to avoid plagiarism through the use of in-text citations and in a separate Works Cited page. Otherwise cite my lectures as these will definitely show up in Turnitin’s similarity report. 
    • Copying from the textbook or cutting and pasting sections from websites or other reference materials or presenting someone elses ideas as your own is plagiarism and will not be tolerated and will result in zero (0) points for that assignment. 
  • Submit the finished Questions by submitting them via the Turnitin link below. 

1. What is Collective Security and how did this concept limit US overt military interventions in Latin America? 

2. What was the significance of the Truman Doctrine and how did it establish rules of engagement/confrontation between the US and USSR? How did the Truman Doctrine influence US policy towards Latin America from 1945-1953?

3. Explain why National Security Doctrines were established in Latin American Countries and how the National Security Doctrine play out in Chile?

4. Explain the cyclical relationship of USSR support for guerrilla groups in Latin America during the periods 1959-62, 1962-1979, 1980-1989. 

5. Briefly explain how overtime the internal conflict in El Salvador led to a proxy war, and also explain, how this conflict finally ended.