Legal Envir Business Essay

 Turnitin Check Required

Write a paragraph or more for each numbered question below (and for each lettered sub-question where applicable).  Do not copy directly from the book–explain in your own words.   Do not use Google–do not plagiarize–use the material from the book.  PLEASE ATTACH ONLY ONE FILE FOR ALL QUESTIONS, and please label the question numbers/sub-questions. (Chapters 1, 2, and 3)1. Describe the following:

  • a. Constitutional Law
  • b. Statutory Law
  • c. Case Law (also known as “common law” and “judge-made law” – no need to discuss the common law tradition and remedies)

2. What is “stare decisis”, and how does it provide legal stability?

3.  Describe the three branches of government, the “separation of powers,” and what the separation of powers prevents.

4.  Discuss “duty-based ethics” versus “outcome-based ethics” and the possible drawbacks of each. (Each numbered question is worth 25 points)