Lesson plan redo

Lesson Plan 1 (LITERACY 4TH GRADE) and Lesson Plan 2 (Sceince) was a great start but needs to be redone/edited. Literacy Lesson Plan got a score 29/50 and Science Lesson plan got a score of 32/50

For questioning: The questions should be throughout your lesson so you can be checking for understanding and mastery of the TEK. 

*Detailed evidence of planning for effective questioning. *Includes at least 6 questions. *Specific goals for questioning identified (determination of prior knowledge, feedback, assessment, prompts for problem solving, etc.) *Explicitly requires students to go beyond “recall of facts” to engage in higher order thinking (Bloom’s Taxonomy), and creativity.

Accommodations/modications. Modifications change the assignment while accommodations just make the assignment more accessible. 

*All accommodation needs have been specifically identified. *Accommodations (learning aids, graphic organizers, oral administration, etc.) and/or modifications (alternate material, activity or grade level content) are detailed and explicitly designed for the needs of the student population (ELL, Sped, GT, etc.) *Area for accommodation or modification (content, process, product, learning environment) has been specifically identified. *Accommodations and Modifications explicitly match skill deficits. *Technology is efficiently utilized for accommodation and modification where appropriate. *Accommodation and/or modification allows for student learning of the content at the highest level appropriate for each individual

Reflection questions – These need to be the reflection questions from 700.5.

In the reflection, the candidate will answer each of the following questions in 1 – 3 paragraphs using complete sentences.  This should be a thoughtful and thorough analysis of the reasoning behind your instructional choices.  Number your answers to correspond with the question

  1. Explain the prerequisite skills students will need to be successful in this lesson.
  2. Explain how your answer to the question above influenced your decisions regarding the differentiation strategies used.
  3. Explain how your instructional strategies, accommodations, modifications, and assessment(s) address the needs of English Learners, including Nancy.