Library Database Researcch

Let’s use the keywords you brainstormed earlier in the module to conduct three separate searches in CQ Researcher SAGE, Academic Search Ultimate, Opposing Viewpoints in Context Gale, or another relevant database. When conducting these searches, pay close attention to what types of sources pop up. Are they written by professionals or academics in the field? Are they articles from one of the 24-hour news networks? What formats appear (article, journal, essay, news story, video, podcast, etc.)? How old are the sources? Why does the age of different sources matter?

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Using the textbox below, take brief notes on what you see, and experiment with your keywords to broaden or narrow your search when appropriate. Jot down the titles and authors of a couple of sources from your search, as you will be asked to reevaluate them in the next activity. Click Submit when you are finished with your response.