lifespan/discussion lesson 5


Respond to the following This assignment is worth 5 points. Make sure  that you use complete sentences, college-level grammar and that you  have completely thought about your response.

  1. Define and describe Learning Disability and Intellectual  Disability. List the characteristics of each of these disabilities.  How  are they different from one another?
  2. Victoria is in the third grade and knows that she needs to have a  quiet place to study, that she can solve math problems better if she  draws a picture of the components, and comprehends her reading  assignments better if she reads out loud. She understands that she can  recall shorter lists better than long lists.  Victoria is exhibiting  ________________.
  3. According to Robert Sternberg most intelligence tests such as the  WISC focus on which of the three types of intelligence in the triarchic  theory? 
  4. At what age is it best to learn a second language?  Why?


Respond to the following. This assignment is worth 5 points. Make  sure that you use complete sentences, college-level grammar and that you  have completely thought about your response.

  1. How are self-esteem and self-concept different? What is the origin  of these characteristics? What are the characteristics of children and  adults with low self-esteem?
  2. Consider Erik Eriksons theory. Why is it important for children  in middle childhood to learn to do something and to do something well?
  3. Suzy wants to follow the moral code established by her parents and  teacher. She wants them to view her as obedient, cooperative, and  productive. According to Kohlberg Suzy is functioning at the __________  stage of moral development.
  4. How does the aggression of girls and boys differ?  Why is it important for a child to learn self-regulation?