Literature Review

The purpose of a literature review is to provide an overview of existing academic literature on a specific topic along with an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the authors arguments. You are summarizing what research is available on a certain topic and then drawing conclusions about the topic. To make gathering your research easier, be sure to start with a narrow/specific topic and then widen your topic if necessary.A literature review is helpful when determining what research has already been discovered through academic research and what further research still needs to be done. Are there gaps? Are there opportunities for further research? What is missing from my collection of resources? Are more resources needed? It is important to note that conclusions described in the literature you gather may contradict each other completely or in part.
A literature review gives the researcher an overview and understanding of research findings to date on a particular topic or issue.

Use these five articles that meet the criteria below. Read each one and take notes. Your notes can be in narrative/paragraph form or bullet points or any other format that works for you, but must be AT LEAST 300 words for each article, including the key points and conclusions, some description of the case/evidence/methods used, and your assessment of the article, including any concerns you have about its methodology, validity, generalizability.




