Literature review


Students will conduct a literature review the therapeutic intervention strategies available in early childhood intervention that target young children with developmental disabilities. Students will select 3 of the interventions listed below and provide a describe of the target population for each, treatment procedures/ intervention strategies, challenges, strengths, affiliated professional organizations, level of training required to conduct the intervention (e.g. on the job training, certification, undergraduate, graduate training) and cultural issues that may affect the efficacy of the treatment. Students will describe each of the following

therapeutic intervention strategies: Applied Behavior Analysis Floortime

Relationship-Development Intervention (RDI)

Developmental, Individual Differences, Relationship Based Model (DIR) Sensory Integration

Developmental Optometry

Developmentally Appropriate Practive (DAP)

Auditory Integration Training: Berard, Tomatis, Samonas Myofascial Release (MFR) and Cranial-Sacral Therapy (CS) Nutritional Supplements/Diets

Students will include at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles that support the efficacy of each of the modalities. A 10-12 page paper, not including title page and reference section, is required. The articles referenced by the student in the paper should be listed in the Reference section at the end of the paper. Course materials (readings from books and journals) should also be incorporated in the paper. The student should also address at the end of the paper how the information researched and obtained will assist them in their current or future work in the field. The entire paper should be written according to APA Publication Manual 6th Edition guidelines.