Literature Review Assignment 2

 B.  Literature Review on Developmental Disability (20 points)Students will conduct a literature review on a particular developmental disability that interests them. Students will choose their own topics. Describe the etiology, epidemiology, course, diagnostic and assessment procedures, interventions, challenges, strengths, community support programs, societal views, cultural issues, etc. An 8 to 10 page paper, not including title page and reference section, is required. Students should select at least 8 articles from peer-reviewed journals (e.g., Journal of Autism and Developmental Disabilities) to be included in the paper (DO NOT include articles found on the internet, such as Wikipedia). The articles referenced by the student in the paper should be listed in the Reference section at the end of the paper. Course materials (readings from books and journals) should also be incorporated in the paper. The student should also address at the end of the paper how the information researched and obtained will assist them in their current or future work in the field. The Reference section should be in APA format.  


Grading Rubric: 0 points1-3 points4-5 pointsCommentsBreadth of information obtained on developmental disability Vague, inaccurate or failure to provide information or describe the above mentioned characteristics of the selected developmental disability; Failure to present a review of the different aspects of the developmental disability.Thin description of the different aspects of the selected developmental disability; addresses some of the above mentioned characteristics in the paper, but not enough details and specific aspects of the developmental disability selected.Provides substantial and accurate information of the selected developmental disability; describes most of the above mentioned characteristics of the developmental disability and provides a detailed and accurate report of the different aspects of the disability. Peer-reviewed articles selected and reviewed in paperDid not provide at least 8 peer-reviewed articles from journals pertinent to the topic at hand; did not provide summary of the research articles found; provided articles found on Provided at least 8 articles, but not all were peer-reviewed or from journals pertinent to the topic; minimal summarizing of research articles found. Provided at least 8 peer-reviewed articles from journals pertinent to the topic and provided substantial information of the research findings from each of the articles to support ideas.

HSDD5000 Survey of Developmental Disabilitiesthe internet.Application of course readings and material learnedDoes not apply any of the information obtained and learned from the course in the paper; does not incorporate information from the course readings; does not address how the information obtained will assist them in their current or future work in the field.Provides minimal application of course readings and material learned in class; addresses, to some extent, the value of information obtained and how this information will assist them in their current or future work in the field.Provides ample application of course readings and materials learned in class to support information obtained; Addresses in detail how the information obtained will assist the student in his/her current or future work in the field. Organization, grammar, and APA styleThe paper is less than 8 pages; does not include a Reference section; does not follow or has multiple errors in APA format; Writing is poorly edited; Awkward construction and/or poor flow of ideasThe paper includes a Reference section with some APA errors throughout; writing shows evidence of self-editing with some construction and/or flow problems.The paper is at least 8 pages; includes a well-written Reference section with minimal errors; has minimal errors in APA format; Writing is properly edited and reviewed; Good construction and flow of ideas; appropriate use of direct quotes and within-text citations.