Literature Review Dissection and Synthesis using the matrix method.


The literature review dissection assignment will include reviewing a minimum of 7 peer-reviewed articles about a specific environmental population health problem or issue, using the matrix method for performing a literature review.

Summary of Assignment Students will perform a search of the peer-reviewed scientific literature about specific environmental health (EH) problem or issue for an identified population, use the matrix method to dissect and synthesize the literature about this topic, and write a 1-2 paragraph, a brief narrative synthesis of the findings. Primary studies will be entered into the provided matrix document and dissected according to major components of scientific research. The matrix method allows users to see trends in the literature, across studies, over time, with collective synthesis occurring by a glance through the major components of the research that have been dissected in the matrix. Matrixes are used commonly for systematic analysis and synthesis of the literature for professional practice, research, and non-scientific purposes. The following criteria are required: I. Basic literature search information (10 points): 1. A statement of the exact Environmental Health problem or issue in a specific population that was searched in the literature review. II. Matrix Tables (45 points): 1.Matrixes must contain a minimum of seven column headings, with the following titles and information: a references column that contains a reference for each study including the Author (s) name, article title, journal name, volume and page numbers; (2) a column containing the year of article publication listed by the oldest published studies first; (3) a column containing the type of study design; (4); a column containing the recruitment process with the final number enrolled; (5) a column containing the major statistical results; (6) a column containing study limitations, (i.e., potential sources of bias); and (7) a column containing implications for population health (See matrix template for assignment usage). 2. Students will be required to abstract in their matrix tables a minimum of 7 peer-reviewed published scientific articles within the prior 15 years, with at least 3 of these studies published within the prior 5 years that are analytic (causal designs). 3. In general, stronger study designs that consist of analytic (causal) study designs, such as randomized controlled trials, cohorts, case controls, or quasi-experimental studies are preferred to studies from which causation cannot be inferred, such as cross-sectional and ecological study designs. If published research consisting of causal studies are not available due to the nature of your environmental health topic, please note this in the written narrative for the literature review. III. Written Narrative Synthesis of Major Findings (45 points): 1. The matrix will be accompanied by an approximate 250 word or 1-2 paragraph, a written summary that will discuss the major collective findings across the literature that were dissected and synthesized through your literature review using the Matrix as a tool. The summary will include the following components. 2. Collective (shared) trends of findings seen across the studies over time with major understandings gained about the selected EH issue or problem. Specifically, this will include collective trends seen across types of study designs, major statistical findings, and limitations. A final requirement includes a description of the major implications of the studies taken together concerning the EH issue or problem as applied to public health professional practice, policy, and future research, which is needed to more effectively promote population health in the specific topic of your literature review. 

Literature Review:  

Topic : Reduce asthma deaths RD01 ,