Live Theatre Event or Essay from viewing a play online part 2



1. Watch a full-length play of your choice online and write a 250-word, minimum-length essay describing the dominant element from one of the three dramatic philosophies previously described in the Discussions:

Baker: line, rhythm, texture, sound-silence, silhouette, space

Viewpoints: Emotion, Shape, Space, Time, Emotion, Movement.

Aristotle: plot, character, thought-theme, diction, music, spectacle (7 pt.)



Watch a live-streaming, full-length, theatre event of your choice and take a screenshot of the curtain call or conclusion. Post your screen-shot in the Discussion Board for the exercise instead of the essay.

2. Respond with a 25-word, minimum length entry to the Discussion Topic in the Discussion Board for the exercise (1 pt.)

3. Comment with a 25-word, minimum length entry to a classmates’ entry in the Discussion Board for the exercise (.5 pt.)

4. Comment with a 25-word, minimum length entry to a classmates’ entry in the Discussion Board for the exercise (.5 pt.)

Discussion Board Question: All plays are in some way a staged “trial,” going back to the ancient Greeks. Why is this true? 

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