Entering Assets into the Learning Management System (LMS) Wk 8


Once your curriculum and assets have been approved by your professor, upload them into to demonstrate how your material is delivered through an LMS.

Note: This is a free site. Please check with your professor if you have access to a different LMS that you would prefer to use instead.


Part 1:

In the LMS, complete the following:

  1. Create a course using your curriculum.
    Note: The course can be short and simple      depending on the topic and curriculum of your course.
         The goal is to test whether the assets work functionally in the LMS.
  2. Upload your learning assets into the course.
  3. Invite your instructor to participate in the course as      an instructor.
  4. Invite two to three classmates to participate in the      course as a student.
  5. Perform two to three tasks (e.g., respond to a      discussion question, view a video, etc.) in the course that you are      invited to participate in.

Part 2:

Write a 46-page paper in which you:

  1. Explain the method and process that you used for      uploading and maintaining your assets into the LMS (e.g., determining      where to place the assets, in what order, etc.). Next, explain how you      will document the need for revisions to the course as well as the process      you would recommend keeping your course design agile.
  2. Examine your experience as an end-user in the course in      which you were invited to participate. Evaluate whether or not the      navigation and display of the learning assets supported your ability to      synthesize, analyze, and evaluate the course material. Include at least      one example of such experience to support your response.
  3. Determine the main constraints of the course in which      you were invited to participate. Suggest at least one change that you      would make to the menu options and the display in order to improve the      user experience. Provide a rationale for your response.
  4. Compare and contrast your experience as the person      creating the assets in the LMS and your experience as a student in the      LMS. Next, discuss at least one change that you would make in order      to improve the learning assets and the display for your own course.
  5. Provide at least two reliable, relevant, peer-reviewed      references (no more than one used previously), published within the      last five years that support the papers claims.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Evaluate the user experience of learning assets in an      LMS course.

  or  but that will be changed to . Therefore, you need to start getting familiar with NEO LMS ASAP.