Lobbying: When to Do It, How to Do It, and How It Differs From Other Things

You have learned in this unit that lobbying can be a component of an advocacy strategy, but advocacy does not necessarily include lobbying. For this weeks discussion, you will examine how lobbying fits in with advocacy. You will also explore the process that needs to occur to lobby for issues related to children and their families.
Please respond to the following:
1)    Examine what lobbying is and provide at least two examples of how lobbying can be beneficial in the work human service professionals do with children and their families.

2)    Explore how lobbying fits in with advocacy.
a)    In your answer, be sure to mention any differences between lobbying, advocacy, and coalition building.

3)    Describe when human service professionals should lobby for issues related to children and families.

4)    Explain the process that needs to occur to lobby for issues related to children and their families.


1.    Childrens Defense Fund. (2020). The state of Americas children 2020. https://www.childrensdefense.org/the-state-of-americas-children-2020/
2.    Community Tool Box. (2020). Section 7: Lobbying decisionmakers. https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/advocacy/direct-action/lobby-decisionmakers/main
3.    Community Tool Box. (2020). Section 10: General rules for organizing for legislative advocacy. https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/advocacy/direct-action/legislative-advocacy/main
4.    Independent Sector. (2016). Lobbying guidelines for public charities. https://independentsector.org/resource/lobbying-guidelines-for-public-charities/
5.    National Association of County and City Health Officials. (2016). Building your advocacy toolbox: Advocacy vs. lobbying. https://www.naccho.org/uploads/downloadable-resources/flyer_advocacy-na16-002.pdf
6.    National Court Reporters Association. (n.d.). Building a strong coalition. https://www.ncra.org/home/get-involved/advocacy/Grassroots-Lobbying/Building-a-strong-coalition
7.    National Parent Teacher Association. (2020). Federal public policy agenda. https://www.pta.org/home/advocacy/federal-legislation/Public-Policy-Agenda
8.    United Nations Childrens Fund. (2010). Advocacy toolkit. https://www.unicef.org/evaluation/files/Advocacy_Toolkit.pdf