local law

Please write a 2-3 page paper using MS Word explaining the following.  Cite your sources at the end of your paper. 

1.  Identify 3 of the 4 court cases in our textbook that created the “path to Miranda.”  One paragraph of 7 sentences. (20 pts)

2.  Which of these court cases put an end to the police practice of using brutality to obtain a confession?  Summarize this case in one paragraph of 7 sentences. (15 pts)

3.  Explain when the Miranda rights are required to be read to a suspect. .  In other words, what two factors must be present for Miranda to be required?  What are the consequences for obtaining a confession from someone in custody that an officer questioned without first receiving a valid Miranda waiver?  One paragraph minimum of 7 sentences. (15 pts.)

4.  What factors are considered for any incriminating statement to be admissible in court?  In other words, what must the officer clearly demonstrate for the confession to be valid?  One paragraph of 7 sentences. (15 pts)

5.  Can a suspect’s confession, without first receiving his Miranda rights, ever be considered admissible in court?  Under what circumstances could it ever be admissible?  Give an example in one paragraph of 7 sentences. (15 pts)

6.  According to our textbook, what case created a public safety exception to Miranda?  Summarize this case in a paragraph of 7 sentences. (15 pts)

7.  The 4th Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures.  Give two examples of exceptions to the warrant requirement.  (One paragraph of 7 sentences.)  (5 pts)

Conduct your research and write your paper in your own thoughts and words. Format your paper into 7 paragraphs with answer numbers that correspond to the questions.  One paragraph per question.  Each paragraph must be 7 sentences minimum.  For example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.  Do not copy and paste any research.