Login into CONNECT and click the link called “Course wide resources and additional activities”. Click the self
assessment link called “Do you have what it takes to be a leader?” and assess your leadership style.
Based on these assessment identify potential areas of improvement and prepare a Personal Development Plan
(PDP). You should then access the learning logs and complete both learning logs as directed to prepare your
Remember to follow APA guidelines for this assignment.
This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.
Specific experiences teach specific lessons necessary for success. But it is critical, as T.S. Eliot said,
not to “…have the experience, and miss the meaning.” Managers we studied who went on to
become effective executives not only had the experiences but learned lessons from them. Center
for Creative Leadership Studies on Executive Learning
Management research indicates that developing self-awareness has several advantages: personal growth, career
development, and an enhanced ability to understand and have empathy with others. In their studies of
managerial and executive derailment, the Center for Creative Leadership found that successful managers: (1)
understand their values, personal styles, and strengths and weaknesses; (2) know the impact of these values,
styles, and strengths and weaknesses on their ability to effectively work with others and achieve their goals; and
(3) are quick to reflect upon and learn from their own experiences.
Despite these advantages, we often resist opportunities to increase our self-awareness. We try to protect our selfesteem.
We fear that learning something new about ourselves will be painful or may require us to change our
treasured and habitual ways of seeing, thinking, and behaving. We may think that we already know ourselves well
enough. Or we may not want to take the time out of our busy schedules to engage in self-reflection — like the busy
woodcutter who never takes the time to sharpen the saw and eventually loses the ability to cut wood. In short,
developing a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection, is a critical leadership skill that is not easily learned
yet reaps many rewards.
Keeping a learning log is a structured way to develop this skill. This log is a confidential, written record of your
personal development through the class.
The first log can be 8 -10 pages, and each entry should be no more than
1-2 double spaced pages. The last entry, your comprehensive action plan for change, should be no more than 6
pages. Your learning log is a confidential document. Only I will read it. The following criteria will be used to
evaluate your learning log.
• Completion of assignment: You submit the log on time, answer specific questions when asked to
do so, and have complete entries for each assignment. All papers must be submitted on time or
they will be considered late and at least 10% points will be deducted from your grade. The number
of points deducted for late papers will be determined based on how late the paper is turned in. If
there are special circumstances, please discuss these with the instructor.
• Self-reflection: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection. You provide
examples from your own experience. You show an understanding of the consequences of your
values, attitudes, style, behavior, etc. on yourself, others, and the organization. 30%
• Conceptual understanding: You demonstrate a thoughtful understanding of conceptual materials
from class and integrate them, as relevant, into your log. 30%
• Application: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to take steps toward personal change. You
discuss in depth possible plans for action. 20%
• Written composition: The learning log is professionally presented: well-organized and well written
(including spelling, grammar, reasonable paragraph length, double-spaced, 12 point font, pages
numbered, no less than 1 inch margins, and staying within page limits). 10%
• Plagiarism and citations: Please ensure to cite any external material properly as this paper will be
scanned for plagiarism. 10%
N.B: Required Learning Log questions set 1
Learning Log questions set 2
Personal development plan
Please see attached for document.