logistics managament

case study 


Suggest logistics performance priorities for any ONE of the following; explain why you have come to your conclusions:


1) A fast food chain Such as Dominos (Product)

The Answer must follow the outline points below:

1. Executive summary (1Mark, word count rage 300-500)

– Summarize what is logistics performance priorities, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied to achieve the companys objective.

2. Background information (1Mark, word count rage 300-500)

– Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, etc).

3. Problem Description (1Marks, word count rage 300-500)

– Describe the objectives clearly and specifically.

– The objective may involve either logistics decision-making or process improvement.

4. Results by using application of logistics and SCM concepts/tools that applied (1Mark)

– Describe what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools be applied to achieve the objective. This section should make it clear that you understand the concepts/tools you are about to use.

5. References (1 Marks)