LOVE & HATE Literary Analysis, Researching, & Using MLA Style

Hello. I need an ESSAY (Literary Analysis in MLA)  (3-4 page essay with formal outline)- Understanding Love and Hate through Literature  


Below I’m going to upload the material and reading sources that the professor gave us to do the essay properly.

1-    Neurotaylor talks about hate and the brain (mirror)    

 Duration: 7:40       User: n/a –     Added: 2/24/19        

YouTube URL:  

What happens to people who learn to hate other people? What changes in their heads?    This video looks at the psychology of hatred and the thoughts and emotions which trigger cruelty. 

 2-    “Why We Hate”: Steven Spielberg and Alex Gibney explore hatred in docuseries     Duration: 4:15      User: n/a –     Added: 10/9/19        

YouTube URL:  

Hear from multi-award-winning Steven Spielberg and Alex Gibney about how they came to create    the groundbreaking and important documentary series, “Why We Hate” for Discovery Channel 

  3-   How Your Brain Falls In Love | Dawn Maslar | TEDxBocaRaton     Duration: 11:58      User: n/a –     Added: 7/5/16        

YouTube URL:  

Biologist Dawn Maslar M.S  For  centuries poets and philosophers have speculated what causes two people  to fall in love. Now, Biologist Dawn Maslar M.S. puts an innovative  twist on this age-old question. Science can now take the mystery out of  love. Thanks to latest neuroscience we can finally explain how your  brain falls in love.   In  this innovative twist on this age-old question, Maslar explores the  latest neuroscience and explains how your brain falls in love.  


“Click” (screen play) by Brighde Mullins page 1084-1086 

“First Love: A Quiz”  (poem) by A.E. Stallings page 592-593 

“The Storm” by Kate Chopin page 126- 130 

“How to Talk to Girls at Parties” by Neil Gaiman page 350-360  

“Saboteur” by Ha Jin page 294-303