Making ER diagrams.

On page 89 of your textbook, complete exercises E.3.5a-E.35j. Use the tool ERDPlus () to create the diagrams.

Submit your answers in a Microsoft Word document :

The instructions are as follows: 

E3.5    For the ER diagrams created in the following exercises, map the ER diagram into a relational schema and do the following:

E3.5a  For exercise E2.2a, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate mandatory participation on the 1 side and those that indicate optional participation on the M side.

E3.5b  For exercise E2.2b, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate optional participation on the 1 side and those that indicate mandatory participation on the M side.

E3.5c  For exercise E2.2c, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate mandatory participation on the 1 side and those that indicate mandatory participation on the M side.

E3.5d  For exercise E2.2d, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate optional participation on the 1 side and those that indicate optional participation on the M side.

E3.5e  For exercise E2.2e, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate mandatory participation on one side and those that indicate optional participation on the other side.

E3.5f  For exercise E2.2f, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate mandatory participation on one side and those that indicate mandatory participation on the other side.

E3.5g  For exercise E2.2g, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate optional participation on one side and those that indicate optional participation on the other side.

E3.5h  For exercise E2.2h, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate mandatory participation on one side and those that indicate optional participation on the other side

E3.5i  For exercise E2.2i, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate mandatory participation on one side and those that indicate mandatory participation on the other side.

E3.5j  For exercise E2.2j, show several records in each relation and mark those values that indicate optional participation on one side and those that indicate optional participation on the other side.

Note: I will attach E.2.2a-j as a references to do the exercises, but you are not supposed to be doing them. You are supposed to be answering 3.5a-j.