Managing Diversity in the Workplace

Written Assignment: February 22, 2021 at 11:59 p.m.

Managing Diversity in the Workplace: Discuss diversity at the workplace from the point of view of a business manager. In your paper:

Describe the sources of diversity in the workplace

Build an argument on the advantages and pitfalls of a diverse workplace

Create a set of recommendations to business managers on how to deal with diversity issues effectively.

This assignment must be in APA format and will be submitted to Turnitin within Canvas. There is no word limit but the paper must thoroughly review the questions.

Use headings to help with the flow of the paper. Do not list back-to-back headingsthere should always be text below a heading. Headings describe the text. Refer to Course Resources for information regarding using headings in your assignments.

Use a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles and the textbook to support your response. You must cite. Since your papers are research based (and not opinions), practically every sentence will be cited.