mandatory overtime in nursing

Ten Slide Leadership and Managing Change Presentation Instructions
Module 4 Assignment Objective:
Explain the influence leadership and managing change in nursing

Module 4 Assignment Overview
In this assignment, the student will develop a 10 PowerPoint slide presentation that addresses you as a leader and your management of change.

Module 4 Deliverables
A 10 Power Point slide presentation does not include the title and reference slide, due on or before Sunday at 11 59 pm CST

Step 1 Clinical Scenario:
Reflect on a planned or spontaneous change on your unit. As the Nursing Director of the unit, how would you manage the change.

You may use the lesson, textbook, presentation or from another appropriate scholarly nursing source.

Using appropriate APA format cite a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed references, published within the last 5 years within the presentation slides

Supporting references are listed in APA 6th edition format at the conclusion of the PPT presentation

Step 2 Create a 10 Power Point slide presentation:
The PowerPoint presentation need to have two slides to address each of the five major points. The slides need to address the following information:

As the Nursing Director of the unit, how would you manage the change:

Explain the change (Planned or Spontaneous).
Summarize your goals for the change.
What strategies would you use in managing the change?
Discuss a specific change model/theory and how you, as the nurse leader, might utilize or align with.
Describe the communication approach utilized within your change management.
Step 3 Submit a Draft of the Ten Power Point Presentation to Turnitin:

Step 4 Narrate your Ten Power Point Presentation:
Once the 10 PPT slides have been reviewed and revised as needed

Graphics may be added, however, student need to be sure the graphics utilized are not copy righted and need to be referenced appropriately including within each of the slides as well as the Reference slide
Write and add narrate notes for the note section of each of the ten Power Point slides
Complete and provide a Voice Over for each of the 10 PPT slides
Note, narrative notes and voice-over material need to compliment and supplement the information already provide on each of the slides. The information cannot not be a direct copy of what is presented within the slide, in other words, do not provide nor utilize the same information.

Step 5 Save and submit your assignment
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place, submit and upload your 10 PPT slides to Blackboard using the Link to upload your 10 Power Point Presentation to Blackboard for grading.
To view the Rubric which will be utilized to grade the Module 4 assignment, students can go to the Getting Started link on the left, locate the University Policies, Tools and Resources which contains the instructions for viewing a Rubric.