
We have now learnt a bit more about marketing as compared to where we were just a couple of weeks ago. We know now that marketing is relevant whenever two parties engage in a voluntary exchange transaction. We also know that products need not be goods. Also, the 4Ps of marketing can be devised for any situation. Let us apply these concepts to the case of non-profit firms.

Note that in non-profit firms, there are two different sets of customers who are being catered. On one side are those that receive services from the non-profit firm. On the other side are parties (governments, non-government organizations, institutions, donors) that provide the critical and needed resources. Clearly, both are needed for the non-profit to function effectively. Let us elaborate on how marketing (and its primary objectives of customer satisfaction) can be very relevant and useful for non-profit firms.

You do not have to offer a comprehensive response with one post. Simply offer one or two points that could be built upon by others. Or, build on the points offered by others. Also, in your posts and responses, do not name any individual or organization.