marketing assignment, 2 pages


The purpose of this assignment is to practice working with marketing research data, searching for patterns in the numbers that might lead you to a new understanding about consumers, their behaviors or their preferences.

Download the  that lists the responses given by 50 customers of the fast food restaurant. The customers were asked questions about the food (quality & variety), service (friendly, fast & competent), pricing, the overall experience (recommend to a friend, general satisfaction), and some personal information (gender, frequency of dining there, and how close to the restaurant they lived).

In this assignment, you will complete the following steps:

  • Sort the responses by gender (0 = male, 1 = female) and use the Average function to determine if males and females had different opinions about the restaurants food, service, pricing and overall experience.
  • Sort the responses again, this time by usage (0 = infrequent diner, 1 = frequent diner).Once again, use the Average function to determine if frequent diners and infrequent diners had different opinions about the restaurants food, service, pricing and overall experience.
  • Sort the responses one last time, this time by home location (1 = less than a mile from the restaurant, 2 = 1-5 miles from the restaurant, 3 = more than 5 miles from the restaurant).Again, use the Average function to determine if nearby and more distant consumers had different opinions about the restaurants food, service, pricing and overall experience.
  • In a 2 page document, summarize your conclusions from the three different ways you examined the data. Please include the specific numeric data that led you to those conclusions. Then, describe at least 3 recommended marketing actions for McSandwich, based on those conclusions.

Points Possible: 30

10 points = correct data sorting and calculations

15 points = appropriate analysis and applied judgment in conclusions and recommendations

5 points = utilization of Level 2 writing guidelines

Requirements: 2 pages