Marketing, Brand Protection, Food Production, Agribusiness & Obesity

Be sure to base your initial post and responses on course materials, 

Discussion #1

1. It has happened to all of us.  You go online to find a hotel for business, or a vacation and you find a hotel that is well located at a very attractive price.  You go through the reservation process, and right on the final page as you are preparing to authorize a charge on your credit card, there appears a charge called a resort fee or a facilities fee as well as taxes on that fee that raise the nightly cost of the hotel room by 30%.  You give in as you have already spent too much time searching for a room and hit the button that charges your credit card.  That is what hotels count on.  The resort fee has become a widespread practice that makes a lot of money for the hotel industry.  Although there are some legal actions and proposed legislation, the practice has not been declared illegal.  Read:

  • Do you think the resort fee practice constitutes deceptive advertising?  Why or why not?
  • Do you think the practice is unethical?  Why or why not?

The Business Ethics Workshop (2012) Washington, DC: The Saylor Foundation

Chapter 12: The Selling Office: Advertising and Consumer Protection (pages 529-566)

Offensive/Exploitive/Insensitive/Violentshort of illegal

False Claims to Making One Healthier, Richer, Younger–illegal