Marketing consumer behavior

Multi-national companies have to be cognizant of the effects of culture on the 4Ps, when operating in several countries and cultures. How has such an awareness influenced the marketing mix for top consumer products brands of the world? You can discuss how the brands you have chosen have made adjustments to their 4Ps so that they can market successfully in different cultures. In other words, what kinds of changes did these brands have to make to the marketing mix in order to be internationally successful? Choose any two of the top 20 brands of the world and submit a 1500-word document that spells out the impact that culture has had on these brands. 

Go to for the top brands of the world. Remember, that we had a discussion in class about the difference between “global companies” and “international/multinational companies” when you choose the two specific brands that you want to discuss. Use your judgment in deciding whether the brand is a global brand or an international brand. 

using the following as the Subject heading. “MKT 360-A Assignment 1, First name Last name”. Make sure to write your name on every page and please number the pages. 

I will be using the following Rubric for grading. If you need help, please start soon and get help from the CTE on main campus. 

Criteria what I am looking for

Max Points

Understanding of – the question and important terms


Evidence (examples) presented in order to support your claims and analysis


Clarity of written analysis


Clarity of thought process




Organization of paras/order of ideas


APA style references and in-line citations

