Inspiring Overcoming a Challenge Story Instructions
Please write from a first-person perspective (I/me/we) a story about a time you overcame a difficult situation that you are willing to share.  The story should be very entertaining, engaging, and express emotion.  Pick one emotion and highlight it in the story.  This should inspire someone to do something, learn, grow, or be a better person.  
Some examples include resolving a conflict with another person, a critical moment in a journey to pick up a new skill, or perhaps an event on a once in a lifetime adventure you embarked.  
Think creatively.  You have a lifetime of experiences already.  Focus on one stunning tale that helped define who you have become. 
Submit in a word document (200-350 words in length)
Expect a student will read your story.  Use generic names like Jane or John Doe. 
The story needs to include at least one element from each number.  Feel free to rearrange order and select what works for your story. 

1) opening hook/question/sound/entertaining factor
2) emotions felt/shock factor/description of why this was a critical moment
3) problem/conflict/main issue
4) context/setting/environment/characters
5) solution/resolution/how something was overcome
6) lesson learned/circle back to opening/conclusion/morale