Marketing project

Project Rubric:

Cover page (each submission)


HOS 245 W01

Submitted to

Title of your project

Embolden all topic titles in the paper

Outline page (for each submission)

Spelling, grammar, & punctuation (-5 points for each infraction)

The paper should include:

1) a minimum of six typed pages (not to include the Cover Page and Work Cited page)

2) typed, double spaced

3) Work Cited page (six minimum) noting the source of the information (company menu, web

site,,). Do not use sources from


Project Details:

1. Cover page

2. Table of contents

3. Executive Summary write this last after youve collected all info in part three. One

paragraph is fine that summarizes your plan.

4. Key Focus

a. Products offered

b. Price

c. Place (location factors- sold at the site? Online?)

d. Promotion (advertising/marketing strategy) Web site? Road sign reader board? Sign?

Menu? Table Tent? Uniform? Special Board? Menu insert? Direct mail? Facebook

post? Facebook ads? Youtube video? Google page? Ads over the toilets?

5. Target Market Review –

You will need to use the Demographics Now! Software link below to complete the following data:

The directions for this website are on the Contents tab (Contents/Project/Target Market Info/Data

Mining Resources).

– a. Map/Maps- need to be used for each geographic group that you are targeting:

Locals? (city, and/or Tri-county area)

Tourists? Research where they come from. Unless we agree on other locations, you

should plan on the Lowcountrys tourists coming from Atlanta, Charlotte, Greenville, and

Columbia. You will need maps and demographic/psychographic data for each location.

– b. Demographics:

Specific demographic target markets use the data mining software to show specifics:

Map of five-mile radius or a geographic metropolitan area

Demographics: use the data mining report (Complete Demographic

Summary Report) to show estimated specifics of the estimated demographic


Demographic age groups you think the business targets:

25 to 82?

23 to 35?

Household income of those groups that would allow them to dine out

Traffic count of closest road

c. Psycho-graphics- what is the lifestyle of the customers, or how much do they spend per

household on food & bev outside of the house? Use the data mining report (Consumer

Expenditure Food Beverage Grocery Detail Summary or see me to find similar relevant

data for your business)

d. Summarize the groups:

For the Nexton-located restaurant, Halls Chophouse, they would likely promote to

demographic groups with certain characteristics located in Summerville, Ladson,

Lincolnville, Goose Creek. They would also promote to businesses who want meeting

space. (Data mining report: Business Summary Report)


Use the appropriate snippets of the reports to support your findings. Do not swamp me

with unneeded data.

e. Traffic counts- must be done unless approved by BH. If so, include the main street as well

as another well-known street to be enable the reader to compare traffic on your targeted

street. When including tourists in your Target Market, you do not need traffic counts for

them, only the exact location of the business.

You will likely have more than one target market, so plan to provide multiple maps,

demographics stats, and psychographic details that pertain to each of the target


My restaurant in Myrtle Beach focused on: local families, Baby Boomer couples,

Happy Hour patrons, business workers in the strip malls, all within a four-mile radius.

Tourists came from SC, NC, Virginia, Ohio, Eastern Canada, & the other states from

above the Mason Dixon Line.

In season, we also targeted tourists staying in nearby hotels & condos. We targeted the

older bikers during Bike Week, but not the younger bikers as they are typically the

ones to come to have loud and boisterous examples of fun that does not mix well with

families. In addition, there are different mediums used to reach the different groups

(Families= main newspaper, certain radio stations, hotel, car rental staff at the airport

Tripadvisor. Bikers? Same, but also Biker Rally Magazine).

5. The Marketing Environment

a. Economic environment- What is the local economy like? When making a statement,

back it up with facts relating to 2020 & 2021. When determining the economic

environment where you will operate your business, consider using the documents in

our D2L class drop box. Listed in Course Materials, Contents, Class Examples

Information. See "US & SC Economic Report," and "State, County, City Demographic

Sites." You should also consider reviewing links in the city, county and state where

you plan to operate your business. Google Charleston economy or something similar

& youll get lots of data.

b. Social environment what does society think of your product? Pizza? Carb heavy,

but acceptable in a vacation environment (not so much in a hospital canteen). Stripper

bar? Likely not well received (by everyone) in downtown Summerville.

c. Competitive environment you will likely have many, often 5-0 to 100.

List all within a four-mile radius for food establishments, or an area

discussed with me for non-food businesses. Google Earth (free download) lets

you map roads (tools, ruler).

List direct and indirect competition. For a semi-casual restaurant, McDonalds

& the deli section in the next door Bi-Lo would be indirect competition. For a

hotel, B&B's and are indirect competition. For a childcare

operation, nannies & a baby sitter association would be indirect competition. 

d. Legal environment what licenses do you need to operate? City, county & state

license? DHEC approval? Alcohol? Servesafe certificate?


e. Political environment is there any political focus that may affect your

business/idea? Many local governments do not like food trucks as they compete with

brick & mortar tax paying restaurants. This environment may not be an issue for your

product or service.

f. Technical environment what tools do you need to sell the product/service that your

business does not currently possess? POS system? Excel? Cube app for your phone?

6. Goals and Objectives Must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

a. The financial objective (ex: we plan to increase sales by 12%, or we plan to

make x amount of sales.) justify this #. A past student wanting to sell coffee in the Relish

Dining Room found that the Relish Cafe sold approximately $200.00 a day in food sales,

two days a week. He then: estimated that they would sell 5% more a day in coffee. 5%

more is $10.00 a day, for a total sales of $20.00 a week. After reviewing the numbers of

staff & faculty, at TTC & CIC, the number of students in our CIC programs, the amount of

coffee sold at Starbucks on Rivers, Ave, & being open five days a week, we then estimated

that they would sell $3.00 to $4.50 coffees & gross $400.00 a day, five days in a row. I

would expect that you would have this level of justification.

b. Our pricing strategy is

c. The marketing objective – New customers? More sales? New market? New item


d. How you would train the staff to be able to sell the item?

e. We plan to implement our Marketing Plan (use a time line calendar)-

Assign staff roles to jobs- for the coffee sales example, we would:

1. Draco run 103.5FM commercials from _____ to ______ om Tues, Wed

Fri 4pm to 7pm

2. Gellert- book airplane banner on Saturdays over beach from _____ to

_____, from 11am to 2pm.

3. Neville- update the website in December, before school reopens

4. Peter – gets menu info to TTCs IT staff by December 14 to allow them to

update our website, Facebook, CIC Blog & Twitter sites

5. Rita- uses publisher to update our Table tents by first day of class

6. Ginny – in charge of dropping off Publisher posters to all TTC classrooms

7. Percy in charge of all samples to CIC faculty by first week of class

served when in class with other students.

8. Ron- free samples to each Student Association, two a month, by the end of


9. Dobby – free samples to all VP office staff by 1/31

10. Aragog – free drawing on campus each week?

f. List and total promotion costs. Include cost of gas & labor to promote if applicable.

g. We will measure our success by revenue? Media exposure? More customers?

7. The SWOT Analysis


Our strengths (internal & external) are

Our weakness (internal & external) are

Our opportunities (long term) are

Threats to our plan are (long term)

8. Conclusion

9. Works Cited (minimum of six).

Do not use sources from

May include text, meeting with persons and/or instructor (Hallman, W. Blake.