Marketing to another business differs greatly

This is an example of the my expectations for the Article Summary AssignmentArticle Summary 1: Rethinking the 4 P’sMarketing to another business differs greatly from marketing to consumers yet there aremarketers that continue to follow the traditional 4 P’s of marketing: price promotion product and place. The author wrote about this topic to highlight an error that many marketers aremaking in their efforts to offer solutions to other businesses but are going about it by creatingproduct-focused strategies instead of a strategy to put solutions at the forefront. In addition toaddressing the mistakes that marketers are making in the B2B world the author offers a betterway to craft strategies that will have far better success by shifting away from the four P’s ofprice promotion product and place and towards the SAVE system solution access value andeducation (Ettenson Conrado & Knowles 2013).The thesis of this article is “As a framework for fine-tuning the marketing mix the P’s-product place price and promotion–have served consumer marketers well for half a century.But in the B2B world they yield narrow product-focused strategies that are increasingly at oddswith the imperative to deliver solutions.” (Ettenson Conrado & Knowles 2013).The author points out that although the four p’s of marketing are still applicable tomarketing they need to be looked at differently when it comes to B2B marketing in order for itto be successful. The article gives a different way of approaching marketing for the B2Bbusiness model centered on the SAVE (Solution Access Value and Education) model to beginformulating marketing strategies. Motorola began using the SAVE format to market theirbusiness to other businesses and moved away from the four P format by having managementbecome more focused on presenting the actual benefits and how they can help the client not justwhat the features of the product are or how advanced it is. Next Motorola began creating marketing departments for each part of the SAVE model with departments for Solutions Access Value and Education. Then Motorola had their management department open upcommunication between their marketing sales development and delivery teams as well ascreating specialty departments to optimize their solutions with the actual needs of theircustomers. The last point that the article made was that B2B marketers would be making a bigmistake that would end up costing them in the end if they did not switch to the SAVE modelinstead of the traditional 4 p’s (Ettenson Conrado & Knowles 2013).The recommendations made with this article by this author gives steps to help marketerstransition to the SAVE model from the four P’s for B2B marketers. The article states that insteadof focusing on the Product the focus should be on Solutions and emphasizing the customer’sbenefits. Instead of focusing on Place marketers need to be focusing on Access and beingavailable to their clients. Instead of spotlighting the Price marketers need to bring attention tothe actual Value of what they are offering. Rather than focusing on Promotion marketers shouldbe making it a point to educate their clients and provide them with useful information (Ettenson Conrado & Knowles 2013).I feel that the information in the article can be used beyond the B2B model and evenused with the B2C business model. Many marketers can use this information to advance theirbusiness by having the strategy become more focused on being of value to the client throughbeing more solution focused and mapping out how they benefit their clients or what problemsReferences