martin resort


Martin  Resorts, Inc., owns and operates four Spa and Golf resorts in Colorado.  The company has five traditional lines of business: (1) golf sales; (2)  golf lessons; (3) restaurants; (4) retail and rentals; and (5) hotels.  David Logan, director of marketing technology at Martin Resorts, Inc.,  and Donald Mayer, the lead strategic analyst for Martin Resorts, are  soliciting your input for their CRM strategic initiative.

 Martin Resorts’ IT infrastructure is pieced together with various  systems and applications. Currently, the company has a difficult time  with CRM because its systems are not integrated. The company cannot  determine vital information such as which customers are golfing and  staying at the hotel or which customers are staying at the hotel and not  golfing.       For  example, the three details that the customer Diego Titus (1) stayed four  nights at a Martin Resorts’ managed hotel, (2) golfed three days, and  (3) took an all-day spa treatment the first day are discrete facts  housed in separate systems. Martin Resorts hopes that by using data  warehousing technology to integrate its data, the next time Diego  reserves lodging for another trip, sales associates may ask him if he  would like to book a spa treatment as well, and even if he would like  the same masseuse that he had on his prior trip.       Martin  Resorts is excited about the possibility of taking advantage of  customer segmentation and CRM strategies to help increase its business.       The  company wants to use CRM and data warehouse technologies to improve  service and personalization at each customer touch point. Using a data  warehousing tool, important customer information can be accessed from  all of its systems either daily, weekly, monthly, or once or twice per  year. Analyze the sample data in AYK23_Data.xlsx for the following:   

   1. Currently,  the quality of the data within the above disparate systems is low.  Develop a report for David and Donald discussing the importance of  high-quality information and how low-quality information can affect  Martin Resorts’ business.             2. Review the data that David and Donald are working with from the data warehouse in the data file AYK23_Data.xlsx.       a.   Give  examples from the data showing the kind of information Martin Resorts  might be able to use to gain a better understanding of its customers.  Include the types of data quality issues the company can anticipate and  the strategies it can use to help avoid such issues.     b.   Determine  who are Martin Resorts’ best customers, and provide examples of the  types of marketing campaigns the company should offer these valuable  customers.     c.   Prepare  a report that summarizes the benefits Martin Resorts can receive from  using business intelligence to mine the data warehouse. Include a  financial analysis of the costs and benefits