Mat dis-4


The purposes of this week’s readings and court visit include learning about the roles of judge, juror, prosecutor, defense attorney, and witnesses; an overview of mental health treatment and finance issues; and regulation of mental health professions.


 The student will be able to describe aspects of courtroom demeanor, the trial process, and observations made about the U.S. judicial system.

 The student will be able to discuss basic information about the treatment of mental illness.

 The student will be able to articulate basic tenets of regulation of the mental health professions in the U.S.

Post your proposed paper topic under Discussion 1 in this weeks Discussion Topics.

Alternate Assignment: If you cannot make time during the work day to observe a trial, you may read an account of a trial, such as (1) A Civil Action by Jonathan Harr (1996), or (2) an account of the workings of a justice system, such as No Matter How Loud I ShoutA Year in the Life of Juvenile Court by E. Humes (1996).

Other written accounts (non-fiction) or televised trials (which can sometimes be found on Court TV may be substituted (check with Instructor!) Other possible choices include A Trial by Jury by D. G. Burnett (2001), Subway Gunman: A Jurors Account of the Bernard Goetz Trial by Mark Lesley, et al. (1988).

Your assignment in Week 4 will be to post a 2-3 paragraph response to your trial (or alternate assignment). Dont summarize! Just tell us what stood out for you, what surprised you, or something you learned. Please, use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as correct APA format when you cite anything published.