
MAC1105 PROJECT 1:  Plotting the evolution of Covid19 in one state of the United States 

Using the data points for the number of cases due to Covid-19 from the John Hopkins University online data base tracker ( ) select a state according to your last two digits of  ID number (43), and correlate to the alphabetic order number of the state in the alphabetic list of the states( if your last two digits number exceeds 50, divide by 2 and if necessary round up your last two digits result  to select). 

Collect the number of deaths per day in that state since Sept 1, 2020 until Dec 31, 2020 in intervals of 3 to 5 calendar days from the list. 

List the data points in ordered pairs as (x (time in days), y (# new cases/ day)), then produce the corresponding graph in graph paper and using the proper scale in a one-page graph paper. Produce the list of the data points in a list apart and embed both in the same paper where you explain your description of your perception of the evolution of the issue in the time, the graph and the list of data points in a singleword document or pdf document.