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Try the following: cut and paste in MATLAB a few lines a ta at time:
% chars hold single characters
c1 = ‘A’
% class displays the data type
% You can store strings in single quotes
s1 = ‘A string’
% Booleans map true to 1 and false to 0
7 > 3
b1 = true
% Show max & min values
% Largest double
% Largest int
% You can continue expressions using …
% Suppress output with a ;
v1 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4…
+ 5;
% Everything defaults to double precision
v2 = 7
% Cast to int8
% The term casting refers to the change of the type
% without transformation of its content
v3 = int8(v2)
% Convert char to double
v4 = double(‘A’)
% Convert to char
v5 = char(64)
% sprintf formats a string
% %d : Integers, %f : Floats, %e : exponential notation
% %c : Characters, %s : Strings
fprintf(‘5 + 4 = %dn’, 5 + 4)
fprintf(‘5 – 4 = %dn’, 5 – 4)
fprintf(‘5 * 4 = %dn’, 5 * 4)
% Define you want only 2 decimals
fprintf(‘5 / 4 = %0.2fn’, 5 / 4)
% Exponentiation
fprintf(‘5^4 = %dn’, 5^4)
% Modulus (Escape % by doubling)
fprintf(‘5 %% 4 = %dn’, mod(5,4))
% Generate a random value between 10 & 20
% Precision is accurate to 15 digits by default
bF = 1.1111111111111111
bF2 = bF + 0.1111111111111111
fprintf(“bF2 = %0.16fn”, bF2)
% help elfun shows a list
fprintf(‘abs(-1) = %dn’, abs(-1))
fprintf(‘floor(2.45) = %dn’, floor(2.45))
fprintf(‘ceil(2.45) = %dn’, ceil(2.45))
fprintf(’round(2.45) = %dn’, round(2.45))
fprintf(‘exp(1) = %fn’, exp(1)) % e^x
fprintf(‘log(100) = %fn’, log(100))
fprintf(‘log10(100) = %fn’, log10(100))
fprintf(‘log2(100) = %fn’, log2(100))
fprintf(‘sqrt(100) = %fn’, sqrt(100))
fprintf(’90 Deg to Radians = %fn’, deg2rad(90))
% Relational Operators : >, <, >=, <=, == and ~=
% Logical Operators : ||, &&, ~ (Not)
Try writing a few conditional statements.