McLuhans global village or Lules global village of Babel better describes our world and why.

  1. Describe the connection between the pervasive media environment and the global village.

2. Explain whether you believe McLuhans global village or Lules global village of Babel better describes our world and why.

3. In support of your argument for either McLuhans vision or Lules vision, youll describe how media influence economics, politics, and culture in ways that positively or negatively affect the global village?

This essay will consist of multiple ideas; Mcluhan, Lules and mine. There will be a discussion describing the connection between the pervasive media environment and the global village. I will then pick a side in which I agree with Mcluhan’s global village or Lules global village when describing the world we live in. With the evidence shown, (whomever I choose) I will go more in depth about how the media has influenced economics, politics, and culture and that’s either in a positive way or negative effect on the global village.

  1. connection between pervasive media environment and global village: 
  • show evidence + use examples from the text
  1. Choose either lule or mcluhan 
  • show evidence + use examples from the text to back up the author of choice regarding the world we live in and why I think that
  1. Building from #2 speak about how the media influences economics, politics, and culture.. either in a negative aspect or positive regarding the global village  
  • show evidence and use information from the text.. quotes etc

Essay Must be 5 pages, 12 times font and doubled spaced