Mcqs 7

I come ….. Italy. 10 ……… do you go to the gym? – Twice a week.
A to A How often 
B from B Where 
C at C How 
D in D Why 
2 A I is a cold. 11 I like …….. in my spare time. 
B I am cold A reading 
C I has cold B read 
D I have cold. C to read 
D to reading 
3 Ann, how are you? 12 Chopin ……………… music when he was three. 
A – I’m a nurse. A can read 
B – I’m fine, thanks. And you? B could read 
C – I am working. C can to read 
D – Good. D can’t read 
4 Whose key is that? 13 I ……… born in 1992.
A It’s of Cate. A was 
B It’s Cate’s. B am 
C It’s Cate. C were 
D It’s to Cate. D is 
5 His office is on the first …….. 14 Where ……… Ann and Mary at 6 pm yesterday?
A level A are 
B ground B were 
C stage C was 
D floor D have been 
6 I speak Hebrew and French but Ann …. 15 I went to the bookshop ……………….. ‘Harry Potter’.
A don’t A for buying 
B doesn’t B to buy 
C speaks C to buying 
D doesn’t speaks D for to buy 
7 I can’t find my glasses. Can you look for.., please? 16 He is interested ……… learning Romanian.
A they A in 
B them B on 
C it C to 
D their D for