Media and Conflict

Use all the components of the question to structure and write your essay. Essays should have an introduction, a thesis, and evidence (in the form of examples, concepts from class, etc.) to support the argument in the body of the essay, a discussion of the evidence, and a conclusion. You must to use class readings and concepts to develop the essay and cite any references you use (as long as the citation style is consistent I do not care if it is MLA or APA).  The answer to this essay question should be between 2 and 2 and a half double-space pages (no more).

Question 1) Pal Singh, Allen and Metcalf, Fojas and Muhtaseb all discussed different forms of discrimination and racism: as a process of highlighting the differentiation of people as inferiors, as the otherization of groups of people as exotics and possibly dangerous, and ultimately as the exclusion, domination and exploitation of some groups of people by powerful structures. Discuss the role that moral panics play in the racialization of crime, from the fear of others, to the creation of difference in order to demonize groups of people and exclude them from the benefits of living in a society. Briefly define moral entrepreneurs, folk devils, and media (including mainstream and social media), and explain what are their roles in moral panics. Give an example of politicians or public figures who have benefitted from instigating moral panics through media, or social media.

    Broad opening statement about moral panics and overview
    Define the terms and how they impact moral panics
    Support with quotes from readings
    Break down the racialization of crime and how moral panics handle fear of others
    Demonizing groups of people
    Group exclusion from basic benefits in mainstream society
    Example of Trump and the COVID-19 panic to control the nation