Media Studies Post– Due in 16 hours

Read the Mclntyre’s reading from Ch 1-7

Answer the following questions for 350-400 words, then choose 2 posts and reply (mark their name at the beginning of the reply paragraph)


Lee McIntyre claims truth itself is now being challenged “as a mechanism for asserting political dominance” (p. xiv). Reflecting on the past decade (2010-2020), assess McIntyre’s claim. 

You may consider: 

What factors contributed to our post-truth media environment? 

Is there a difference between lying and challenging the very idea of truth? 

Are there circumstances wherein a “truth” may indeed need to be challenged? 

How might we best evaluate fake news to prioritize the greatest threats? 

Who benefits most from fake news? Why? 

Once you’ve posted, check out some of your colleagues’ posts. Reply to a couple! 


**I also post an example of other people’s posts for reference**