mgmt 6

  400-600 words, APA FORMAT 7TH EDITION

Summative Discussion Board

One of the most important things you can do as an appreciative inquiry, action research (AI/AR) practitioner is to transfer your skills into an organization. Accomplishing this helps to ensure that the organization can continue the work begun during your engagement. In 400-500 words, address the following:

  • What are the 5 skills, concepts, and procedures that you feel are most important when addressing organizational issues? Discuss each element. 
  • Additionally,  what were the most significant things you learned during this course? 
  • What did you appreciate most about this course? 

In addition to addressing all requirements of the assignments, a model answer includes the following:

  • Use order-list (or bullet points) to state the 5      skills, concepts, and procedures that you feel are most important when addressing organizational issues. Then, discuss each element
  • Use order-list (or bullet points) to share the most  significant things you learned during this course
  • Taking into consideration the concepts or AR/AI/PC,  what did you appreciate most about this course?  You may consider      topics such as:
    • AR/AI: Cycles of action research
    • Ten Principles as the Essence of Process Consultation.
    • Single-loop/Double-loop/Triple loop Learning.
    • Self as an instrument for change
    • Self-awareness & system-awareness.
    • Key themes from previous live chats.
  • Properly cite the required textbooks and articles to support your responses.

Additional Resources:

  • Cheung-Judge, M. Y (2001). The Self as an instrument-A cornerstone for the future of OD. OD Practitioner, 33(3), 11-16.
  • Gharajedaghi, J. (2011). Systems Thinking, 3rd Edition. [Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from