MGMT1100: Principles of Management Case Study (PETA)

 Advocacy Groups. Go to the Website of PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) at Answer the following questions: (1) What are the PETA’ S goals? (2) What types of companies might PETA affect politically? (3) Do you believe in PETA’s actions? Why or Why not? (4) How far should advocacy groups go in promoting their causes? (5) How should business organizations react to these groups?

Paper needs to be 1,200 words and in APA format.


1. Identify and summarize any key point(s) or problem(s) presented in the Case. 

2. If the case presents questions to be answered, address each question thoroughly in narrative form. 

3. Describe at minimum five principles from the associated chapter (chapter covered for the week) that can be applied to the case. Please make sure you bold the principles/terms. 

4. Try to relate some important concepts to your own experience. 

5. Give examples from your own experience that either reinforce or go against the case. 

6. Describe how a Manager/Supervisor can use and apply what you learned from your readings that can be applied to the case. 

7. TIP: The more you can integrate course concepts from the text and from your own experiences, the better the grade is likely to be!