MGT 3150/ENG 3364 MGT Communications: Written Unit 8 Assignment: Internal Proposal In Unit 2, you wrote an email to your supervisor asking her to reimburse you for taking MGT 3150. In that email, you

MGT 3150/ENG 3364 MGT Communications: WrittenUnit 8 Assignment: Internal Proposal

In Unit 2, you wrote an email to your supervisor asking her to reimburse you for taking MGT 3150. In that email, you explained how this course is relevant to your job and offered to use the knowledge and skills you have acquired as a result of taking this course in your job. Below is your supervisor’s response to your email:

Thanks for the detailed email asking for reimbursement for MGT3150. I have talked to my supervisor, Jerry Howard, about your request and your offer to apply your newly-acquired skills in your job.

Jerry and I agree your ideas have merit, but we would like to see some more specifics on how you plan to implement them. Since the implementation of any new project would incur additional expenses (materials, your time involved in preparing for it, other employees’ time, travel, etc.), we need to know what the benefits are to decide whether this is a cost-effective project.

Please write a short proposal for how you plan to apply your research and writing skills and make sure to explain what that would cost, when it can be accomplished, and what is involved.

Keep in mind that Jerry and I might have to share your proposal with the VP of the division to get approval, so make sure you spell out what you propose to do and how that would benefit the organization.



Consider Jane’s email an RFP. Write a proposal for a project that would apply the skills you learned in this course. Some examples of possible projects include: rewriting marketing materials or website content, teaching communication seminars to your colleagues, (re)designing effective written materials, etc.

Make sure to

• Apply the “Eight Guidelines for Writing a Successful Proposal” on pp. 524- 525 of the text

• Apply the “Document Design and Your Proposal” guidelines on p. 525 of the text

Carefully review Figure 13.6 in the text as examples of internal proposals.

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