Project Proposal (Final Draft)Your proposal will be 2025 pages (not including the Title page, Table of Contents, or Reference list). The proposal will be constructed using APA formatting. This version should include your revisions based on the professors feedback and your evolving knowledge of appreciative inquiry and action research (AI/AR).

Proposal Content 

Introduction: Tell the reader what the proposal is about and how the proposal is organized (you will write this after you have written the body of the proposal).  

Theoretical Framework Explanation of the theory of action research that includes at least 5 different sources, properly cited  Explanation of the theory of process consultation that includes at least 3 different sources, properly cited  Explanation of the philosophy of appreciative inquiry that includes at least 3 different sources 

Practical Framework: Explain how you will conduct action research. Include the following elements:  Entry, Informal Data Collection, Micro-Diagnosis  Identification of Grand Objective  Identification of First Sub-Objective/Diagnosis  Planning Phase  How will you approach the problem within the confines of your organization?Action Phase  Emphasis must be on how you will facilitate this phase as you employ appreciative inquiry and action research values. Facilitation of the Reflection Phase  Identify the new knowledge created during the cycle (covering the “What? So what? Now what?” model), and employ the values of AI/AR.Evaluation of Project 

Facilitation Discussion of self as instrument and how you will engage this construct of AI/AR, including at least 2 different sources  Discussion of systems theory, leading to a discussion of open systems theory and how you will include an awareness of systems theory 

Overview of Organization Overview of client system: Industry, history of organization, mission, vision (if any), geographic location, and number of employees  Roles: What are the roles and tenure of each of the 25 additional people who will participate in the cycles of AI/AR? (Create a pseudonym for each person.)  Presenting issue: Describe the issue or opportunity that will serve as a starting point for your work