Microeconomics – In 2004 Congressman Dennis Kucinich proposed the Free Market Drug Act

Answer each question fully but your response should be no less than 200 words. Practice referencing and citing in APA format. · Page 366 question 6 · Page 389 exercises 3 and 6 · Page 406 question 9 6. In 2004 Congressman Dennis Kucinich proposed the Free Market Drug Act. This legislation would have removed patent protection on drugs developed with public funds and given control over pharmaceutical R&D to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Evaluate this type of proposal in terms of the effects on price competition and level of innovation. 3. Is it possible to find a point on the contract curve that is not a competitive equilibrium? 6. In Figure 18-7 which depicts the utility-possibility frontier would society ever choose an inefficient point (inside UU) as the optimal point? FIGURE 18-7 The Utility Frontier and Social Welfare Maximization: Preferences Favoring Belinda.0/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg”> 9. Some economists propose a tax policy that would allow individuals who purchase their own insurance to deduct these costs as well as all out-of-pocket costs for healthcare from taxable income. Explain how this policy could help offset the bias toward more comprehensive insurance resulting from the preferential tax treatment of employer paid insurance.