Migration Flow: Mobility of Nurses and its implications

In your essay critically and analytical (a) draw on sociological theories of globalisation and international development (social, market, political,  (b) analyse how this issue is being dealt with within international policy and (c) how it is affecting one particular country. Please engage with key learning materials on the topic and draw on wider reading within the essay.


 Draw up at least 8 outlines that this essay will follow Introduction, Theses on Globalization, etc. – This will be discussed by us before moving forward 

 Conceptualize the word Globalization – since it cannot be adequately defined, so, is it a process? Is it a starting point? Is it an end point? You can draw ideas on what Globalization could mean from the book; Globalization a critical Introduction by Scholte, Jan Aart 2005

 Conceptualize the 3 concepts in globalization Social, Political and Economy/Market

 Conceptualize 3 4 theories of Globalization Internationalization, Liberalization, Universalization, Westernatization/ Modernisation, Deterritorialisation, Respatialization; and use it to explain your problem. 

 Analyze the migration flow of Nurses from Nigeria to the UK, US, and Canada. Present this as a global issue. How did it become a global issue?

 How has Globalization contributed to this migration problem? What policies are aiding or affecting this migration process? How has, for example the policies of International Organization for Migration (IOM) affected the migration process? How has the Millennium Development Goal (MDG), the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), United Nations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) policies are affecting your problem?

 How is this problem affecting Nigeria? Show from the social, political and economy perspectives but dwell on the sociological

 Closing thoughts Share your thoughts about Globalization and how it is affecting the movement of Nurses out Nigeria to other countries. Summarize the issue it creates and the policies championing or reducing it.

References must be in Harvard Standard and you must use peer reviewed articles and Journals. Your References must not be less than 18 sources minimum

Word count: 5,000