mile Durkheim Assessment

You are required to write two essays: (each 2-3 pages).on mile Durkheim and/or functionalism.
Define and examine one of the following terms:

1.Division of Labor
2.Mechanical and Organic Solidarity

Your response must use the course textbook AND any related primary reading from Durkheim or posted lecture slides. DO NOT USE ANY SOURCE MATERIALS FROM OUTSIDE THE COURSE.

You must use direct quotes from the textbook in each response. You then explain the quote, and define any key terms in it. You will then develop the significance or importance of the quote as laid out in the discussion question, or you will connect the quote to previous quotes you have used (how do they relate? How do they build on previous ideas to develop a more comprehensive definition?).

Use the rubric for the Karl Marx Assessment assignment on Canvas/Modules to guide your work.
Formatting Requirements:
1.Use Chicago Manual Style in-text citations. Do not use APA or MLA.
2.Include your name, student #, the date, & course number on the top left of the 1st page.
3.Include a title to separate each term.
4.Insert a footer with your name and the page number.
5.Use default font (Times New Roman), font size (12), and standard margins.
6.Left align your textDO NOT CENTRE YOUR TEXT.