Mini Assessment

This mini assignment must be done using the template provided. You must use APA 7TH EDITION, APA title page, APA reference page with a minimum of 2 along with in-text citations. This is a 2 part assessment that will discuss 3 management types or management philosophies/theories and provide a one to a two-paragraph summary of which management type, philosophy/theory you think is best and how this may help you as a healthcare leader.

Part 1- Management types/Philosophies/Theories Discussion: Identify and discuss Three management types, management philosophies, or management theories. Provide a brief summary for each of each identified management type, philosophy, or theory.

Part 2- Practical application: Provide a one to a two-paragraph summary of which management type, philosophy, or theory you think is best and how this may help you as a healthcare leader.

The 3 management types I selected are: Scientific Management theory, Administrative management theory, and Drucker’s management principles.