M&M’s Part B

. The company we choose is M&M’s.
. Please follow the instructions in the file “project instructions”. YOU NEED TO DO ONLY PART B.
. the presentation uploaded is the part A of the M&M’s project.
. and the word doc. “M.edited” is the written part of the presentation of PART A.

I need a power point with all the PART B of this assignment and a written document so that i can read from that document all the points you insert in the presentation. (the word document need to be more detailed) like i did in Part A.

. Please use a simple English (not mother language)
. NO plagiarism

. for the power point use bullet points.
. for the written doc. be more clear as possible.

. IMPORTANT: Follow all the points of PART B

Part B
. Analyze and Describe (and seen in class) the Super Bowl commercial:
– Be as detailed as possible: try to identify all the elements of the communication process that we discussed in class: objective, target, promise, tone of voice
. Illustrate in detail the marketing communication campaign that the company is planning for 2021 in which the Super Bowl ad in inserted:
– What other vehicles are included? Explain why
– When will the message on the other communication tools be aired? Try to
build the media plan of the company
– What countries are included? Is the message unique across countries? Explain and provide evidences