Modern Politcal Theory

1. Choose either Locke or Rousseau and discuss their view of human nature, the state of nature, the social contract, and the purpose and structure of civil government.

If you choose Locke, refer to the book Second Treatise by John Locke, chapters 1-19

If you choose Rosseau, refer to the book Social Contract by Jean Jacques Rosseau

You should have a thesis statement, points that develop your thesis, and conclusions.

Try to answer the question, and to develop a persuasive argument in answer to the question. In doing so, please do make specific reference to the text(s) that you are discussing.  For example, saying, “Machiavelli thinks that human beings are basically evil” may be correct, but saying “In the Discourses, Book I, chapter 3, Machiavelli asserts that all human beings are basically evil when he states that ‘all men are bad and ever ready to display their vicious nature’ (Machiavelli 1984 [1531], 117)” is more accurate. The reference may also be made via footnotes; the point is that I want you to offer not merely your impressions of an author’s intent, but your substantiated argument regarding the authors intent. This is not intended to exclude speculation but rather to indicate that it should be informed speculation.

You may use other scholarly sources in your essay, but the main source should be the book itseld, using direct quotations and citing them correctly.