Module 04 Written Assignment – Peer Mentoring Session

 Module 04 Written Assignment – Peer Mentoring Session
CompetencyDetermine ethical, developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate assessment practices to promote positive outcomes for each child.ScenarioYou are a peer mentor in your program. You are reviewing the observation of Timmy that was recorded by your co-teacher to evaluate and determine ethical, developmental, culturally, and linguistically appropriate assessment practices. You plan to create a feedback document, or audio recording, or video recording to use during your next mentoring session to provide your co-teacher with guidance on their current assessment practices.InstructionsPart One: Review Observation Review the provided observation notes on Click for more optionsPart Two: FeedbackCreate a written feedback document, or audio recording, or video recording for the mentoring session that:

  • Analyzes the childs development within each of the PILES domains (5 total):
    • Physical
    • Intellectual
    • Language
    • Emotional
    • Social
  • Explains at least two of your states early learning standards to demonstrate alignment between PILES domains and the assessment practice.
  • Determines at least one way the observation and assessment method used is aligned to NAEYCs Code of Ethical Conduct for each of the following categories (3 total):
    • Ethical
    • Culturally appropriate
    • Linguistically appropriate
  • Describes at least one way the observation and assessment method should be modified to improve alignment to NAEYCs Code of Ethical Conduct.
  • Recommends at least one next step in assessment practices to promote a positive outcome for Timmy.

Submission Requirements

  • Meets the general requirements:
    • Observation focuses on factual information that can be seen and heard during the actual observation time.
    • Provides at least one credible source in APA reference page.
    • Provide a reference to your states early learning standards in the APA reference page (with website link).
    • Uses professional language with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Submit your feedback document for the mentoring session as a written document, audio, or video recording.
    • If submitting an audio recording, please submit as an MP3.
    • If submitting a video recording, please submit as an MP4 or if using Screencast-0-Matic (free resource) you can submit the URL link to the video.
  • Please note that if you are submitting an audio MP3/video MP4 file that it cannot exceed 8 minutes.




Observation 1

The class is having breakfast. There are three tables (blue, red and yellow) and seats are predestinated. Breakfast consists of bagels with jelly and milk. Timmy is sitting at the blue table with 5 other children. He is fairly quiet and engrossed in eating his bagel. He is wiggling around quite a bit, he often wiggles more than everyone else. Ms. G has to constantly remind Timmy to remain seated when eating. Timmy is not interacting much with the other children who are carrying on casual conversations and playing with their food in between bites and sips. As I am watching, Timmy eats 2 bagels. He receives help from the Assistant Teacher when he tries to spread jelly on his second bagel. He does a pretty good job but the spreading is a little tricky for him and he becomes quite sticky. 

When asked to clean up, Timmy followed directions with the following exceptions: he took of his tray to the garbage instead the whole thing, and did this when another table was called and not his own. Another classmate said Timmy didnt take this, Ill do it and picked up the rest of his mess. 

A short Circle Time takes place after breakfast. Timmy goes to his spot on the circle and becomes emotional, as usual, when a classmate does not sit next to him. This causes him to pout and remove himself from the circle. He stands just outside the circle observing, but after a minute or two forgets his original displeasure and makes his way into the circle. Ms. G. begins a dialogue where children are given 2 minutes each to speak on any subject they want.

Ms. G. tells Timmy that he is next in line to share. When his turn comes, he stands and says Yes, my, my mom took me to, uh, to the store. I got milk and, um, I dont know, but I like milk. I went in the car to the store. As he speaks, he kicks his foot at the floor and looks often to Ms. G., seemly looking for help in articulating his story. When is turn is over, he slumps back to his spot on the carpet. After a minute, the class begins to wiggle as a group and speak amongst themselves. Timmy watches other children converse.

Observation 2

The class is traveling from their classroom to their computer class. The group is characterized by a low hum but otherwise paying attention and keeping up. Timmy is holding his partners hand and making his way up the stairs quite well. When the class arrives at the computer room, they all without direction remove their coats and put them on the hallway floor. Their computer teacher, Ms. M., comes from within the room to the doorway. Timmy sees her, becomes fixated and splits from the group, wandering to the front of the line and standing in front of her. Ms. M. looks at him and yells GET IN LINE! pointing at the line. Timmys eyes widen, he freezes and then slides back into the line. 

When the class enters the room, they migrate to their predetermined seats without direction. Timmy is the only one who is unable to remember his seat. He walks down the center aisle, wringing his hands, looking back and forth. Ms. M (computer teacher) becomes angry and says Dont you know where your seat is by now? Get over there (points). Thats always been your seat, it hasnt changed. He places his headphones on but they are too big so they are askew on his head. Ms. M. sits at her own computer in the back of the room. Timmy grabs the mouse in his right hand and becomes engaged in the game on the screen, clicking on objects and moving them around the screen. He is having trouble understanding the concept of the game on the screen, and asks Ms. M. for help. She sits with him and explains some specifics about the game. Timmy is very responsive to her and able to move to the next level. This involves sequencing, and Timmy is not able to grasp the concept. 

Observation 3

Ms. Gs class is having a Halloween party in the school cafeteria.  There are copious amounts of food set on the long cafeteria tables. Some children have family members in attendance, others do not. Timmy and his Mom are together at this party, surrounded by other children and parents. Timmy, is in an elaborate Superman costume. He then sits down at one of the tables facing other classmates. He attempts to interact with them by waving.  Other than occasionally smiling at a classmate, he is not communicating with anyone. Timmy is the only child kneeling on the bench he is almost overseeing the crowd. His mom is over him, speaking with other parents, shifting items on the table. Other children are chatting. During this time, he often asks Mom for a hug. 

As they are eating, the children are supposed to be making candy corn figures from variously colored pieces of paper and wiggly eyes. Timmys Mom makes the project for him, over his head, as he watches. At one point, it seems he becomes frustrated with the way that she is doing the project. I wanna do it he says and pushes her hand away from the project. Ok, here says Mom, putting glue on a wiggly eye. He places it down and immediately picks up his drink, turning his attention away. Now, he wants to leave the table, so he picks up a balloon and jumps down. Mom interrupts him and says No,you have to bring your candy corn to Ms. G. Timmy says No and runs off into a clear area in the middle of the cafeteria. Mom brings the candy corn to Ms. G. 

Timmy joins a group of children in running around a table. Mom goes to him, demands Timmy look at her and asks him to stop. He stops long enough to listen to her and then continues running as she turns away. She does not ask him to stop again; she remains in the area and watches the children run. Timmy turns this into a game of tag. Mom watches this and asks him to stop several times but he still does not. Ms. G.  manages to form a circle and gets the children to do simple movements such as arms up, down, open, closed, etc. Timmy is unable to follow the commands and just moves his arms around. He becomes distracted within about ten seconds, moves out of the circle, stands to the side and gazes into space.

Observation 4

Timmys class is instructed to form a pattern necklace with alternating beads and sticks 6 beads, 5 sticks. Ms. G. drew the pattern on a large notepad and displays it for the children to refer to. The necklaces are to be completed then given to the teachers to be used as Native American jewelry for a class project.  While most of the children are finishing their necklaces, Timmy has only put one bead on the string and is trying to put a second on (a stick should come next). Ms. G sits next to him and asks if she can help him with his project. Timmy shakes his head. She places her hand on his to try to get him to put the project down and reinforce the pattern with him.  He resists and tries harder to put the second bead on. Ms. G says Hey Timmy, did you see my new sneakers? He immediately looks down and releases the necklace. They talk about shoes for a moment, then she reinforces the pattern. He grabs the necklace from her and places a stick on.  He reaches for another stick. This continues for twenty minutes, as around them the other children begin their lunchtime regime. He has to be reminded of the pattern (the teacher verbally repeats the pattern) after each piece he places on the string. Once finished, he is instructed to give the necklace to his teacher. He says No, I wanna take it home. Ms G. tells him that he must leave it so that he will have it for the party. He becomes visually upset and pouty.