Module 05 Course Project – Final Training Submission



It is time to complete and submit your final training. For both face-to-face and technology-based training, be sure you have included the following:

  1. An attention-getting introduction.
  2. A summary of what learners will be able to do by the end of the training (in other words, tell them the objectives).
  3. Detailed training of the specific tasks or content.
  4. Engaging activities/practice.
  5. Assessments.
  6. A conclusion summarizing what has been learned and emphasizing the relevance and the benefits.

Here’s how to submit your training:

Face-to-Face Training

For face-to-face training, submit a participant’s guide and a facilitator’s guide in a zipped file.

Technology-Based Training

For technology-based training, submit the training in a file that can easily be read by your instructor and classmates. You may use any software to create your training. For example, is a site and program that can perform screen desk and audio capture up to 15 minutes for free, and it can be used on a Windows or Mac computer.

No matter what software you use, make sure that both your voice and the content (for example, PowerPoint slides) are clearly captured.


Your training should be fewer than 10 minutes.

If you are using Screencast-O-Matic, please watch this short instructional video on how to record, upload, and provide your instructor with the web link to your recorded training. You will also submit your PowerPoint slides to the drop box.


You can use another program if you prefer. Screencast-O-Matic is just one suggestion. Just be sure you’ve sent your instructor an email telling them what program you would like to use so you can get approval. Your instructor will want to know the file format in which you will submit your technology-based training.

No outside sources are required for this project, but if you do use sources, be sure to acknowledge them in APA format.


Rasmussen’s Library and Learning Services team has developed a variety of resources to help support students’ academic endeavors. For this assignment, the APA Guide may be helpful. You will find links to these resources on the Resources tab.