Once you have completed your tutorial, you will receive a certificate. Submit the Certificate in your Case 1 Assignment dropbox (Note: you can submit multiple attachments). Please note that you MUST complete this tutorial, successfully pass the quiz, and submit your certificate before you can progress with Case and SLP assignments beyond Module 1.
There are three key players in the delivery of health care: 1) the health care organization, 2) the clinician (team of physicians, nurses, medical assistants, and office staff), and 3) the patient (Coqing, Daviono-Ramaya, Ramaya, & Szmerekosky, 2009). For Module 1 Discussion, discuss the influence each key player has on healthcare delivery and explain the importance of integrity for each player.
Your posts will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted in the Before You Begin section. Please review this section as well as the discussion scoring rubric.
Cowing, M., Davino-Ramaya, C. M., Ramaya, K., & Szmerekovsky, J. (2009). Health care delivery performance: service, outcomes, and resource stewardship. The Permanente Journal, 13(4), 7278. Retrieved from
Frick, T., Dagli, C., Barrett, A., Myers, R., Kwon, K., & Tomita, K. (2019). How to recognize plagiarism: Tutorial and tests. Bloomington, IN: Department of Instructional Systems Technology, School of Education, Indiana University. Retrieved from:
Telford, D. & Gostick, A. (2005). Integrity works: Strategies for becoming a trusted, respected and admired leader. [Books24x7 version] Available in the Trident Online Library.
700 words